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Orthopedic implants are medical devices that are surgically inserted into the body to replace or support a damaged or missing joint, ligament, muscle or bone. These devices can be made from metal, ceramic, plastic materials or a combination of these materials. While there are many risks and benefits associated with orthopedic implants, the primary benefit is that they can provide relief from chronic pain and mobility issues caused by an injury or illness. Let’s explore these risks and benefits in more detail. 

Risks of Orthopedic Implants 

The main risk associated with orthopedic implants is infection. An infection can occur at any point before, during, or after implantation. The risk increases if you have a weakened immune system due to pre-existing conditions like diabetes or HIV/AIDS. In addition to infection, other risks include tissue damage, nerve damage, foreign body rejection, allergic reactions to the implant materials, and inflammation. It’s important to note that most of the complications associated with orthopedic implants can be addressed quickly by your surgeon during follow-up appointments. 

Benefits of Orthopedic Implants 

Perhaps the biggest benefit of orthopedic implants is that they can provide relief from chronic pain caused by an injury or illness. Implants can also help restore mobility and movement in areas where it has been compromised due to age-related degenerative disorders such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Furthermore, depending on the type of implant used (i.e., metal vs ceramic), patients may experience an improved range of motion and strength due to their enhanced durability over traditional treatments such as braces and splints. Lastly, some types of orthopedic implants may assist in speeding up recovery time following surgery when compared with non-implant surgeries.   

Orthopedic implants offer many potential benefits for those suffering from chronic pain and limited mobility caused by an injury or illness; however, it’s important to weigh both the risks and benefits carefully before making any decisions about whether to proceed with surgery involving an implantable device. Potential clients should always consult with their doctor prior to undergoing any type of surgical procedure in order to ensure that it is safe for them specifically as every patient is unique in terms of his/her health history and current condition(s). By taking all factors into consideration prior to deciding on surgery involving an orthopedic implant one can make sure they receive optimal care while minimizing potential risks involved in any procedure involving implanted devices.